
Friday, February 3, 2017

I Got Baked in San Francisco - The Sequel

So is it habit forming?

So Erika lets the Carleton GroupSnap (is that a thing) know that she's going to be in San Francisco on January 28th, so guess what happened: Miles and I roll out through BART and CalTrain and meet up with her at Montgomery. So Erika, Miles and I were pretty close friends during the SCSI, and the main thing that brought us together was our shared love of music. Miles likes more underground and new artists, so when he played music off his phone it was always an adventure for me (and probably Erika, I don't really know). But anyway, we're all good friends, and of course Miles and I agree to go to Erika's top choice location: Mr. Holmes Bakehouse. That's right folks, we're back. Let's get baked in San Francisco

A little background about Erika: she goes to the Hill School, and had been traveling for a week in order to promote the school and she is, at this point, very tired. So this trip could have been a lot of walking, and we could've burned a lot of calories, and we could've been fit and healthy people, but we had a big problem: Erika's big suitcase. This bad boy is almost as tall as me (probably like 4 feet tall), and I'm just struggling to lug this guy around. So Miles and I aren't about to make Erika lug her suitcase around one of the hilliest cities in the country, so we decided to Uber everywhere. Please note that we weren't really aware that #deleteuber was going around, and I in no way shape or form advocate for the ban of immigration. On to happier things.

Ohhhh yum
Last time I came, Winnie didn't want to buy a box because we would be walking the entire day, so this time I jumped on the chance to get one. The design of the box is very sleek, with the slogan printed in gold on the front just to remind everyone of how cool you are. That day, there were no cruffins again, so I'm really doubting whether or not they actually serve cruffins. We ordered a Cookie Dough Bear Claw, two chocolate croissants, and three donuts! I shared the bear claw, but it was easily one of the best pastries I had ever eaten. The cookie dough is so sweet, and I'm pretty sure there was some chocolate within the fingers themselves. Just writing about it now makes me want to go back! Erika was very happy and got her picture with the sign, and I was happy because I got to go back to Mr. Holmes. I'm not sure how happy Miles was, but he was very happy to hold the sign.

Afterwards, we Ubered our way over to Yerba Buena parks in order to feast on some Mexican. Tropisueno SF has recetenly become one of my favorite places in SF. Actually at first we wanted to go to Tacorea, but that's closed on Sundays. But Tropisueno works too! Last time I went there, I got the chicken fajitas, so this time I went back for some beef fajitas. Erika got the beef taco salad, and we didn't really know how big it was going to be. Turns out, it's huge. Like it was literally as big as her head. Pro tip when you go to Tropisueno: be prepared for big servings of excellent food. I also got the horchatas on the side, which is always good.

With our time together nearing its end, we lugged the suitcase across the street to Lemonade to get Erika some very California things, like a cup of Lemonade. After a brief photoshoot, we hustled our way back to Montgomery BART station and rode the train back to SFO, and said goodbye to Erika.

Follow @tomislavsquats

Didn't think it would e so big!

Miles is happy!

You can find me on Instagram as @stumpyeatsfood and on yelp at If you've got a restaurant recommendation or even a recipe that you think I should try, send it to me at! Thank you for reading!

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