
Monday, February 20, 2017

We Died Today - Spiciest Ramen Challenge

I think I almost died today

Confident Kristi, the cook
Sometimes you have good ideas with friends. We have fun together, see cool things, do fun things. Sometimes you make wrong decisions. The right wrong decisions. We make mistakes. But these mistakes bring us closer as friends as we realize our mistakes.

Three months ago, my friend Kristi persuaded me to eat the world's spiciest instant noodles.

We've been planning to eat it for several months, but never found the opportunity to - but we finally got the opportunity when we needed to do our physics lab at Kristi's house, so we took the plunge and did it.

You might notice that I'm not writing as much as I usually do, but this is because I'm still trying to get over the spiciness of the ramen. When Kristi was still boiling the water with the noodles, it looked tame - bland, and friendly, ready to welcome your tongue with its long and friendly strands. But as soon as the flavoring went in, it took on a sinister deep red tone. Almost blood red, and my tongue was already bristling in pain just by looking at it. Then her sister came home with two little containers of chili.
Spicy hell death

So yeah, we put that in too.

Because I didn't taste the noodles before we added the two containers of chili sauce, I don't know how much spiciness it added but that wasn't the only spice we added in. We added some classic sriracha sauce in order to ramp it up a bit.

Oh my god.

I watched as Kristi picked up a blob of orange tinted noodles and carefully placed them into her mouth. Almost immediately an anguished look covered her face, as if a million young voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I feared something horrible had happened. That was when I decided to go in, and I took a bite out of a blob of noodles. It didn't feel that bad, so I ate the entire clump of noodles in my chopsticks, and kept going. Bad idea - I soon found myself lying on the ground in pain as my face started to tingle and go numb. The pain was unbearable (Editor's note: no swearing). I cannot remember the last time I was in this much pain, not too the point where I wasn't able to stand up and walk it off. It was like a raging inferno consuming the inside of my mouth, and every tear that slipped out of my eye brought another wave of pain.

Kristi and I finally finished and enjoyed the cool comfort of milk to help sooth the pain. So I honestly don't know how spicy the ramen was supposed to be - we had added so much spiciness we may even have increased the spiciness rating of the instant ramen by 50%! Nevertheless, I end this short and painful blog post with the following warning: you get what you pay for.

You can find me on Instagram as @stumpyeatsfood and on yelp at You can also check out more of my photos on Flickr! If you've got a restaurant recommendation or even a recipe that you think I should try, send it to me at! Thank you for reading!

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