
Saturday, February 25, 2017

Stacks on Stacks - The Original Pancake House in Los Altos, CA

Nostalgic comfort food at 6:30 am

Carter looking dramatic
The Original Pancake House has been around in my hometown, Los Altos, for a long time - like Tom's Depot, it's a staple of Los Altos life and history. I remember my dad dragging me there at some early hour when I was like five in order to get a good spot in line! It used to be packed with people every morning - especially Saturday mornings - trying to get a taste of some of the best pancakes in town. It's kind of like when baby boomers look back on "good old days" - things are different these days. More specifically, there was no wait to get in to the famed Original Pancake House in Los Altos this morning when I came in for breakfast with my friend Carter Fox.

Monday, February 20, 2017

We Died Today - Spiciest Ramen Challenge

I think I almost died today

Confident Kristi, the cook
Sometimes you have good ideas with friends. We have fun together, see cool things, do fun things. Sometimes you make wrong decisions. The right wrong decisions. We make mistakes. But these mistakes bring us closer as friends as we realize our mistakes.

Three months ago, my friend Kristi persuaded me to eat the world's spiciest instant noodles.

Friday, February 3, 2017

I Got Baked in San Francisco - The Sequel

So is it habit forming?

So Erika lets the Carleton GroupSnap (is that a thing) know that she's going to be in San Francisco on January 28th, so guess what happened: Miles and I roll out through BART and CalTrain and meet up with her at Montgomery. So Erika, Miles and I were pretty close friends during the SCSI, and the main thing that brought us together was our shared love of music. Miles likes more underground and new artists, so when he played music off his phone it was always an adventure for me (and probably Erika, I don't really know). But anyway, we're all good friends, and of course Miles and I agree to go to Erika's top choice location: Mr. Holmes Bakehouse. That's right folks, we're back. Let's get baked in San Francisco