
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Bonchon: The Real K(orean)FC - San Mateo, CA

A little back story on some of my friends - most of my friends that live outside of California I met during a summer program at Carleton College. It was their Summer Computer Science Institute summer program, and I spent three weeks stuck in the middle of nowhere (Northfield, MN) with a bunch of other teenagers. Here, I met some of the best friends of I've ever made (hanging out 24/7 around someone will do that), and every so often one of them will come visit California BECAUSE WE'RE THE BEST STATE YEAH.

So my friend Lia from Washington came down to visit, so on Saturday we hung out and walked around San Francisco. We hit up the Union Square Uniqlo, where she promptly freaked out over the sheer amount of awesome clothing in that store. Our friend Miles was also there, and he's just a Uniqlo hypebeast. Anytime Uniqlo is mentioned or even clothing is mentioned, he just freaks out. I'll even admit it - I love Uniqlo. In fact, most of my daily outfit is purely bought there (aside from American Eagle polos - these are seriously comfortable). Their pants are my favorite, whether it be the denim joggers or their slim fit jeans, and to be totally honest - their underwear is amazing. But underwear aside, Miles is both a fan of thrift shopping and Uniqlo, which honestly cover extremely different grounds. Uniqlo is somewhat like Apple - you can only buy their clothes from their stores, and every store has the same design theme. While the size definitely differs (Union Square location is huge), you get the same plain white background accented by the variety of different colored clothing with a vinyl wood flooring. Honestly it makes it a little redundant to go somewhere exotic to shop at Uniqlo if you already had one near you, but Lia lives in the Uniqlo-forsaken region of the Pacific Northwest, so this was a must for her.

So after Miles and I handed Lia off to her dad in Union Square (sounds like a hostage exchange, right?), we drove back down to San Mateo for a bite after everything near Union Square was too expensive. Downtown San Mateo parking is not prime on a Saturday evening, and after driving in a loop for ten minutes we slipped into a parking spot and ran towards the nearest restaurant. Bonchon lured us in with its posters of fried chicken, and we rushed in desperate for a bite. We were greeted with some fluorescent lights shining down on a white counter with wood vinyl flooring (must be a recurring theme huh) with a few tables all filled up. Some polite employees seated us immediately at the bar, and we ordered fifteen pieces of drumsticks, half garlic and half spicy. Less than fifteen minutes later, we got our food and boy was it delicious. The garlic drumsticks were crispy yet full of flavor, nice and sweet with a little bit of spice. The spicy drumsticks were also sweet, but also were extremely spicy. Thankfully, they included a side of rice, which I downed in order to finish my share of spicy chicken. The best part about both types of chicken was how crunchy the breading was-it was amazing! I have literally never eaten such crunchy chicken before! It gave the chicken substance and the tactile experience of crunching through a drumstick made me fall deeply in love with the franchise. So overall, wish the bowl of rice could be bigger, and their bar stools were too high (this is a me problem). But I cannot be disappointed by their chicken. Ever. May 2016 prove me wrong.

Experience: 3/5
Food: 4.5/5
Total: 7.5/10 Ayyyyyy
Bonchon San Mateo: 220 S B St, San Mateo, CA 94401
Bonchon Half Garlic Half Spicy

You can find me on Instagram as @stumpyeatsfood and on yelp at If you've got a restaurant recommendation or even a recipe that you think I should try, send it to me at! Thank you for reading!

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