
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Going Psycho - Psycho Donuts and Pho with @winnie.fried

Thought I was going psycho for a second there

Once again, we are back with Winnie (follow her here) and are more determined than ever to experience the food wonders of Downtown San Jose. I usually don't head down to San Jose, but Winnie's robotics lab is in the middle of it, so I arranged for a lunch at Pho 69. Downtown San Jose is a pretty funky place, mostly because of its location and the very, very, very popular convention center. Lots of things go on in there, ranging from volleyball tournaments to even a minor Blizzcon if I remember correctly. Anyway, this weekend was no different, with a bunch of costumed people waiting around.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Only 20th Century Kids Will Remember - SF Day Trip Pt. 3 with @winnie.fried

Proving that I can finish something besides Netflix shows

So here we are - the finale of this series I was supposed to finish two or three weeks ago. Due to it being the day after Christmas, some of the places we hoped to tour were closed, namely the Supreme Court of California and the city hall. So the only thing we were able to do was find another place to eat and figure out where to go from there. During our walk there from Japan town, we walked by this restaurant called Little Gem. At first glance at the menu hanging in the window (big windows by the way), it seemed to be a mostly Asian restaurant, but when we sat down and took a better look, it turns out to be some sort of American-Asian fusion restaurant. So I sat down and ordered the veggie bibimbap, while my friends got some smaller options. Although I recognized the fact that the bibimbap was vegetarian, I was still a little shocked to see it when it was placed in front of me. How did I forget in the span of ten minutes?

Where's my meat??? 7/10 tho

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Cutest Crepes Everrrr - SF Day Trip Part 2 with @winnie.fried

These crepes are belly good

So after a much needed sugar boost from Mr. Holmes, Winnie (follow her at @winnie.fried),Jenny and I marched on to our next destination: Belly Good Bakery. As we walked, we were stopped by a nice elderly gentleman who saw us taking some photos in front of the wall across the street from Mr. Holmes, who gently informed us that there are many awesome walls in San Francisco. This included the whale, naked people, and bee walls, all which were found pretty close to each other. I don't know why you're reading this article - I may have forced you to, or you're looking for some food suggestions in San Francisco - but spots in San Francisco suitable for some hipster-ish photos are abundant. Make kissy faces with the fish, or stand near the enormous whale for some cute photos.