
Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Cutest Crepes Everrrr - SF Day Trip Part 2 with @winnie.fried

These crepes are belly good

So after a much needed sugar boost from Mr. Holmes, Winnie (follow her at @winnie.fried),Jenny and I marched on to our next destination: Belly Good Bakery. As we walked, we were stopped by a nice elderly gentleman who saw us taking some photos in front of the wall across the street from Mr. Holmes, who gently informed us that there are many awesome walls in San Francisco. This included the whale, naked people, and bee walls, all which were found pretty close to each other. I don't know why you're reading this article - I may have forced you to, or you're looking for some food suggestions in San Francisco - but spots in San Francisco suitable for some hipster-ish photos are abundant. Make kissy faces with the fish, or stand near the enormous whale for some cute photos.

After the whale wall, we walked about 1 mile to Japantown - I've been before, but this is the first time I knew what I was doing there. In contrast to our experience in the line at Mr. Holmes, we got to Belly Good before it even opened. Turns out it opens at 11:45am, which the cashier will kindly remind you of several times if you wait too close. Eventually we got to order, and were immediately confused by the menu. So if you want the "happy face crepe", there are three main options: the type of crepe, the type of fruit, and the flavor of ice cream - I got the plain crepe with the strawberry ice
cream with strawberries, with the unexpected ingredient up a lot of whip cream. In fact, the majority of the crepe was probably whipped cream. For some people, that's not a problem, but I'm not really a fan of squishy crepes. The paper cone did help though.

So in conclusion, I've got some very mixed feelings about this spot - the main pro is clear: you're getting some cute crepes. On the flip side, there's a lot of whipped cream in these crepes. I don't know what I was really expecting to be used for the crepe, but it definitely wasn't a load of whipped cream. Anyway, would recommend despite the whipped cream overage (don't know why this bothers me so much), and to the whipped cream lover in your life - 10/10 recommend. Everyone else I'll give it a 7/10 for the cuuuuute crepes.
You can find me on Instagram as @stumpyeatsfood and on yelp at If you've got a restaurant recommendation or even a recipe that you think I should try, send it to me at! Thank you for reading!

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